51 Branding Statistics You Need to Know In 2021

We always talk about how important branding is for growing your business, and it never hurts to repeat ourselves. 

Regardless of your industry, having a strong brand is a crucial part of establishing yourself in the market. Good branding helps you separate yourself from competitors, form positive relationships with your audience, and turn that audience into loyal customers. 

However, we know that it can be difficult to understand the what’s, how’s, and why’s of good branding, and sometimes it’s more helpful to sit back and let the numbers do the talking instead of us!  

So, check out these 37 branding statistics – separated by branding category – that you need to know in order to create your brand and take it to the next level.

Statistics on Making
First Impressions

1. You have 7 seconds to make a first impression, so your brand needs to be well-designed from the get-go, with a clear message.

2. It takes between 5-7 impressions to even start creating brand awareness. Consistency is everything. When creating content for your brand’s social media channels, make sure it repeatedly emphasizes your brand message.

3. 13% of consumers would pay up to 50% more for your products or services if they had the impression that your business makes a positive world impact. In other words, first impressions pay off!

4. 73% of consumers say they love a brand because of helpful customer service. Branding is about cultivating a positive perception around your company, and having friendly customer service is a big part of forming a positive impression.

5. It takes 90 seconds of initial viewing before people make a subconscious judgment about a product, so it’s important to nail your colors down before you begin product branding

General Branding Statistics

6. 73% of people prefer brands that personalize the shopping experience. Customized emails and offering special deals are readily accepted by shoppers.

7. 62% of consumers share online deals with their friends. This is great for business and is a stepping stone to word of mouth marketing and increasing brand visibility.

8. When buying new products, 59% of shoppers prefer to buy from the brands they trust, and 21% say they purchased a new product because it was from a brand they like. Needless to say, it’s important to build your brand.

9. 38% of moms are more likely to purchase products and services from brands other women “Like” on Facebook. Community breeds trust, so keep that in mind when marketing your business.

10. 44% of US consumers give gifts purchased from brands they are loyal to, specifically during the holidays.

11. 72% of the best brand names are made-up words or acronyms. A little bit of a creative license goes a long way, so try to be unique with your next business name!

12. Cost, experience, quality, and consistency are the top 4 qualities people use to describe why they are loyal to a brand. So make note and use this combination to your advantage.

Brand Personality Statistics

13. A study of consumer behavior showed that 94% of customers are likely to be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency. To foster positive relationships with your customers as a brand, honesty really is the best policy.

14. 31% of consumers believe that trustworthiness is the most important aspect of a brand, while 4 in 10 Americans have boycotted a brand they associate with irresponsible behavior in the past year.

15. 86% of shoppers prefer an authentic and honest brand personality on social media. Your audience is going to take to social media to learn about you, so make sure your (authentic) personality is just as prominent there.

16. Over 60% of consumers say they would boycott a brand that politically offends them. Unless politics are an important part of your brand message, you may want to consider steering clear of them altogether.

17. 89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values. Are you emphasizing your core values? Good! Now find the audience whose core values align with yours – they’ll become repeat customers.

18. 64% of women and 68% of men surveyed have felt an emotional connection with a brand. Good branding elicits emotional responses from your audience, which is what helps you form connections with them in the first place.

19. 43% of customers spend more money on brands they are loyal to. In other words, branding doesn’t just affect reputation; it also can positively impact sales.

Small Business
Branding Statistics

20. 82% of people are more likely to trust a company whose high-ranking executives actively use social media. For you, this means mentioning your company on your personal social media accounts – in a positive light, of course.

21. Almost ¾ of small businesses invest in social media marketing as part of their brand strategy. With low costs and wide reach, what could be more efficient than marketing across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest? And, from the same study, they found that….

22. 34% of small businesses invest in video marketing.If you haven’t already, you should join this statistic; video marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach an audience.

23. 90% of users expect to have a similar brand experience across all platforms/channels. And yet….

24. Fewer than 10% of B2B companies say their branding is very consistent, which means you have ample opportunity to create a strong brand through your own consistent efforts.

25. Businesses with weak company branding pay 10% higher salaries. It pays to invest time and money into your branding from the beginning.

26. Having a great brand can bring down hiring and training expenses by as much as 50%. If people resonate with your brand, it won’t take much convincing to have them come work for you.

27. 77% of consumers purchase items based on their brand name rather than the name of the object itself. See iPads, Kleenex, and Scotch Tape for reference.

28. 82% of investors believe name recognition is an important factor in helping them decide where to invest. The strength of your brand can make or break that Series B round.

29. 73% of small businesses invest in social media marketing as part of their branding efforts. Small businesses prefer to use social platforms to market themselves partially because of their wide reach.

Brand Identity Statistics

30. Color improves brand recognition by up to 80%, meaning that customers are 80% more likely to identify you if you consistently use the same color(s) on your branding material.

31. 33% of the world’s top 100 brands have logos that include the color blue. Think Twitter, Facebook, and Visa for reference.

32. 80% of consumers think that color is a big part of brand recognition, which means you should too.

33. It takes 10 seconds for people to form an opinion about your logo, so it’s important to create a design that’s effective before you even start branding.

34. Brand favorability can increase by 46% when music is added. In fact, companies like Visa have already started to incorporate “sonic branding” into their brand strategy. If you want to learn more, just Google ‘leitmotifs’.

35. If you consistently present your brand regardless of the platform, it can increase revenue by up to 23%. This means you’ll want your brand colors, fonts, and logo to look the same on every platform, both on and offline.

36. And, businesses that brand consistently are 3.5 times more likely to get strong brand visibility than inconsistent brands. When people are more aware of your brand and have a positive impression of it, they’re more likely to purchase from you. 

Content Creation Statistics

37. A HubSpot survey found that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support. Video content is known to be one of the most engaging types of content out there, both for social media and blog platforms.

38. 82% of consumers feel more positive about a business after reading customized content. For your brand, positive impressions are the difference between long-term customers and an audience that looks elsewhere to get what they need. Also-

39. 61% of people are more likely to buy from companies that deliver unique content. Custom content isn’t just a “nice-to-have”; it’s also a tool through which to grow sales.

40. Brands with blogs generate 67% more leads than companies without a blog. With a little bit of SEO magic, your content will come up on Google for search queries related to your field and will help to establish you as an expert in your industry.

41. 64% of consumers purchase a product after watching a branded video on social networks. People prefer watching videos to reading about a product. If you’re new to the world of video content creation, start by creating Instagram stories, and make sure to include your logo in the video.

42. 53% of businesses use content marketing in their branding strategy. When your customers can come to rely on you as a valuable source of information, their level of engagement with your brand will skyrocket.

43. Just 48% of employees believe their leadership team, corporate communications, HR, and marketing departments all speak about their brand with.

44. 80% of readers believe authentic content is the main factor that will drive them to follow or engage with a brand. Don’t just create content for the sake of it; aim to write quality, informative, and engaging posts across the board.

45. 70% of consumers feel closer to a company as a result of content marketing. At the end of the day, this is the effect you want your brand to have – to form close, long-lasting relationships with your customers.

Employer Branding Statistics

46. If offered a job at a company with a great corporate reputation, over 90% of people would consider taking it. In other words, if you want to interview and hire the best talent out there, your brand reputation is going to play a big role.

47. 21% of candidates would apply to work in a company that has a one-star rating on an employer review website. Be careful of getting negative reviews – they often stem from how former employees left their positions at your company.

48. 62% of job seekers change their perception of a company after seeing an employer respond to a review. Having that human interaction will always be important – don’t shy away from saying your piece in a respectful manner.

49. On Instagram, 7 out of 10 hashtags are branded. And this is a great tool to use to increase your brand recognition. Start associating your posts with brand-specific hashtags.

50. 55% of recruiting specialists proactively work to present their companies as desirable employers and workplaces. At the end of the day, if you’re not desirable, you’re not going to get the best pick of the litter.

51. The top 3 investments for growing an employer brand are social media (47%), company career website (21%), and marketing and advertising (12%). Think about where your audience (new hires) spend most of their time and target your resources appropriately.

Over to You

The main takeaways of these statistics? Define your business’s values, create a strong brand identity, stay authentic, and make sure to brand consistently. 

Consumers are looking to form strong connections with the brands they purchase from, and the best way to foster those connections is by aligning your brand identity across the board. 

Not sure how to go about creating your brand? Start building your brand with Tailor Brands now!